Ebook crude api gravity conversion

Penentuan specific gravity sg dan api gravity teknik. Specific gravity sp gr measures the ratio of density of the substance to the density of water in a given temperature, i. Chemical rejuvenation process to permanently increase the api. Using api gravity to calculate barrels of crude oil per metric ton edit.

Crude oils density is measured using api american petroleum institute gravity. The measuring scale is calibrated in terms of degrees api. Using the api to specific gravity conversion formula, the oil specific gravity is calculated. For an api gravity greater than 10, a petroleum liquid will float on water. An api gravity of 10 means the petroleum based liquid being measured has about the same density mass per unit volume as water. Viscosity increases with decreases in crude oil api gravity assuming a constant watson characterization factor and decreases in temperature. Api gravity input a number in any blank and press the calculate button. In general oils with api gravity of 40 45 generate the highest market prices. In general, viscosity characteristics are predictable. However, if the pressure is one atmosphere the standard pressure then there is no pressure correction and. Eia based on conversion of american petroleum institute api gravity ranges of crude oil exports as reported in trade data from the u.

Api is devised jointly by the american petroleum institute and the nist national institute of standards and technology. Api gravity can be calculated using specific gravity, which is a. Api gravity express the gravity or density of crude oil and liquid petroleum products. Examples of the use of the figures are given below the figures. Api gravity calculator crude oil api gravity chart. Compute volume correction factors for petroleum products using the algorithms in the astm d 12502004 manual of petroleum measurement standards, chapter 11physical properties data, section 1temperature and pressure volume correction factors for generalized crude oils, refined products, and. Cpl, and ctpl may be used as specified in other api manual of petroleum measurement standards mpms chapters. Api american petroleum institute gravity is a dimensionless measure of the density of a petroleum liquid e. The proposed correlation is evaluated with data collected on 50 gasoline samples from crude oils from around the world with api gravity ranges from 41 to 87, average boiling point ranges from 316. Our float switch product line lists the specific gravity sg which the device will be able to float. Api gravity, weighted average refinery crude oil input qualities.

Crude densities are described by their api gravity, measured as an inverse of specific gravity. Use the online api to specific gravity converter to find the sp gr of an oil by providing the api gravity. The api of crude oils varies typically between 10 and 50, with most crude oils falling in the range of 2045. The scale is inversely related to the density of water. Conversely, an api gravity less than 10, will cause petroleum liquid to sink in water. The left and right margins of the table are annotated with the temperature. Manual of petroleum measurement standards chapter 11. Api gravity oil density is often reported in terms of api gravity. Api gravity weighted average of crude oil input to.

The american petroleum institute established api gravity as a measure of the density of petroleum liquids relative to water. When converting oil density to specific gravity using the above definition, it is. To convert an api gravity reading to 60f, we usually use astm table 5b. The american petroleum institute gravity, or api gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a. Api gravity can be converted to specific gravity using the api to specific gravity conversion equation, while specific gravity can be converted to api gravity using the specific to api gravity conversion equation. Api gravity can also tell us whether the fluid will float or sink in the water. D28712b2019 standard test method for api gravity of crude petroleum and petroleum.

The method according to claim 1, wherein the vegetable oil is made. Brent blend is a combination of crude oil from 15 different oil fields in the north sea. Corrected api gravity for temperature other than 60 deg f. D287 api gravity of crude petroleum and petroleum products hydrometer method. Two or more elements may combine to form a chemical compound. The american petroleum institute gravity, or api gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water.

They are many common crude types like west texas, brent api gravity is a measure of how light or heavy the crude oil compared to water. The specific gravity table published by the american petroleum institute api is a tool for determining the relative density of various types of oil. Whereas a conventional light sweet us crude like the us midwest pricing benchmark west texas intermediate wti crude has an api gravity of 39 and heavy crudes like mexican maya have an api gravity of 20, condensates have an api gravity between 45 and 70. Figure 1a crude oil specific gravity vs temperature 1 this graph was compared with densitytemperature data from table d1, api publication 421, monographs on refinery environmental control management of water discharges 2.

Dalam dunia perdagangan terutma yang dikuasai oleh perusahaan amerika, gravitasi jenis atau lebih sering disingkat dengan sg ini dinyatakan dalam api gravity dan juga api american petroleum institute. If the temperature changes, the density of the crude oil changes along the colored line. Exhibit 2 indicates the quality of a typical light crude 35 api and a typical heavy crude 25 api. Api gravity correction for temperature in this spreadsheet, just type in the required information and press the compute button. Now that we know how to calculate these measurements, lets take a look at a reallife example with a.

Standard test method for api gravity of crude petroleum and. Using api gravity, the conventional crude oils can be generally considered as light api30, medium 30api22, and heavy api conversion calculator api specific gravity. For example, if one petroleum liquid is less dense than another, it has a greater api gravity. Any oils with api gravity of 45 or over have shorter molecular chains which are less desirable to refineries. Including the pressure correction in this standard represents an important change from the temperature only 1980 tables.

The api gravity of a product is very important in determining the. Volume correction factor calculation development in. Api gravity, sulfur content, and desulfurization of crude oil. Physical and chemical properties of crude oil and oil products. The determination of api gravity is done in an exact manner as prescribed and detailed in astm d1250. The american petroleum institute gravity or api gravity. Each colored line represents a crude oil with a given density at a given temperature. F xi 5a generalized crude oils correction of observed api gravity to api gravity at 60. Classifying crude oil location density light, heavy the scale most commonly used in api gravity.

The american petroleum institute established api gravity measure as a measure of the density of petroleum liquids relative to water. If its api gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water. Crude oil and petroleum products are typically sold based on fluid properties at reference base conditions of temperature and pressure. Api gravity to specific gravity and density chart if you need need to convert other value use our online api gravity calculator on the top. The parameters of this equation are correlated with the american petroleum institute api gravity. It is used to compare densities of petroleum liquids. The api gravity american petroleum institute is a value which is supposed to make it easier to compare one hydrocarbon to another.

The american petroleum institute gravity, or api gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum. Di indoneisa biasanya berat jenis dinyatakan dalam fraksi, misalnya 0. The formula for convert api gravity to pounds per gallon is. Request pdf api gravity, sulfur content, and desulfurization of crude oil in. Light crude oils flow easily and contain more volatile components, while extraheavy crude oils are highly viscous to. Any oil with an api score under 10 degrees sinks in water. Viscosity of crude oil viscosity table and viscosity. This approach to developing empirical correlations is verified by comparison to experimental data. Thus, a heavy crude oil with a specific gravity of 1. Conversion factors important for crude oil chemists. The scale of api gravity was adjusted so that most petroleum liquids fall between 10 and 70 degrees api gravity. While it has no units of measurement, an oils rating is expressed as api degrees. Api gravity is a measure of density relative to water where liquids that sink in water. Api gravity is thus an inverse measure of a petroleum liquids density relative to that of water also known as specific gravity.

The greater the api gravity, the less dense the liquid. Simple equations to approximate changes to the properties. The higher the api gravity, the better the oil quality. Standard test method for density, relative density, or api. The api gravity is defined as crude oils api 10 50, crude oils can generally be classified according to api as shown the definition of specific gravity for gases is somewhat different. The american petroleum institute api defined the api gravity degrees api to quantify the quality of petroleum products and crude oils.

The american petroleum institute s api gravity is a standard to express the specific weight of oils, computed as 141. Prediction of reid vapor pressure of petroleum fuels. Api gravity is thus an inverse measure of the relative density of a petroleum liquid and the density of water, but it is used to compare the. If api gravity is less than 10 it will sink in water.

Api gravity is a system developed by the american petroleum institute to measure how light or heavy a petroleum based liquid is in comparison to water. To convert api gravity to sg, use the following calculator. Opec basket of oil from 7 countries is the sourest, at present the api gravity for the basket is heavier, at 32. Crude oil chemistry is foremost a scientifically exact guide to the full family. The book thoroughly evaluates the chemistry and processing of low api gravity high sulfur heavy crude oil increasingly. Standard test method for density, relative density. Generally, the lighter crudes are more valuable since theyll produce more of the higher valued products. Dont let your crude oils grow up to be condensates api. Using the gas pycnometer to determine api gravity in crude.

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